What was in the Briefcase?

Can anyone tell me what was in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction? And what is the Band-Aid on the back of Marsellus's neck about? Is there a connection? You never see or hear anyone say what's in the case. Thanks, - Hedy
Potential Answer (also see comments)
Note: If you don't remember the briefcase, check out the Hamburger scene video.
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I'm hung over and a shitty typist so I'll keep this short. I have a very good audio/home theatre system and my curiosity as to what is in the briefcase is that, on my system you can clearly hear the golden glow humming in time with the fluctuation of the glow, like some type of cinematic nuclear humming device. So, gold bricks don't hum and I think Tarantino is just trying to keep us guessing by not divulging the truth. Also, I have seen the back of Ving's neck in another movie, and he does have a scar, but if he is so self-conscious about the scar, why didn't he cover it up in the other movie. Bottom line, between the 666, the hum and the band-aid, and Ringo looking mesmerized while commenting on the beauty of the briefcase's contents, I think that it's Marsellus' soul and Tarantino won't admit it just to keep the whole mystery and guessing going.
band aid? yes he has a scar in real life, not for the purposes of the film. but he as the band aid cos the DEVIL did take his motherfucking soul! ancient Chinese mythology fuckbitches, suggests that the devil takes a motherfucking soul from the back of the bitch ass neck!! but hes got a scar!?! shut the fuck up...our man quentin is an articulate intelligent mother fucking, he knows that people will say the devil and others will say scar, thats what the man wants... and you know what its what he gets!!
talk some more.....start of the film, that crazy bitch hunny bunny gives it the old "any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every mother fucking last one of you" but at the end of this bad ass punk ass bitch ass film she says.."any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute everyone of you mother fuckers!" Mistake by the great man? what do you think numb nuts! anither wicked ploy to gets dumb bitches like you reading this shit talking...and what you doing? its 2am in your little dark room and your googling this shit!
in summary, the man quentin is a fucking genius and he knows what he doing, he is getting your crazy stupid dumbass motherfuckers talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. you wont forget this film, you wont forget his name, marcellus soul, motherfucker!! marcellus sooul
peace out with much love
also i have an explanation for the "miracle". vince and jules were unharmed by the man cannon, since they were doing the work of god, getting his soul back. and personally i think the band aid scar explanation doesnt really fly...wallace is a badass gangster, why would they care if he has a scar in real life?? i think the soul thing is more likely. far fetched and you can take it or leave it. let me know what you think.
Definition: McGuffin -noun
In film, a plot device that has no specific meaning or purpose other than to advance the story; any situation that motivates the action of a film either artificially or substantively; also written MacGuffin .
Etymology: Alfred Hitchcock's term, based on a story where this device was used in a story set on a Scottish train.
First and foremost the briefcase is a story tellers tool known as a "Mcguffin".
Definition: McGuffin -noun
In film, a plot device that has no specific meaning or purpose other than to advance the story; any situation that motivates the action of a film either artificially or substantively; also written MacGuffin .
Etymology: Alfred Hitchcock's term, based on a story where this device was used in a story set on a Scottish train.
With that in mind it is supposed to represent "The Devil's Deal" the idea of The thing that holds the most value to the person looking at it(everyone would see something different), and willing to kill/die or sacrifice everything you are and or have to possess it. It has a golden illumination because, whatever it is you hold in such high regards must be so illustrious and beautiful that it emits an almost heavenly glow. Remember your true heart's desire always looks so much brighter than how you view everyday wants.
The Combination being 666 (in my opinion) symbolizes the evil that we unleash (or unlock) by pushing past at any cost, what we know to be good right and true to obtain that which we hold in such high regards. If you think about it every time we inch our way over that moral line drawn in the sand it just makes it that much easier the next time. with that in mind we can never really posses our hearts desire, because as soon as we have it then we as a society look for the bigger better version, hence its unattainable but still we gave up our morals only to be left wanting more.
As for the band-aid well... Sometimes a band-aid is just a band-aid. I think people were reading more than was actually intended or thought of by QT, with his ability to make us question the underlying meaning of his films I think he would have had more center focus on the band-aid and left us with more questions, I mean come on the Ball-Gag had more center focus than it and I don't hear any hidden meaning about that. (Nor do I want to.) But the one thing I didn't hear mentioned was all the clocks during the movie were stopped (quirky trademark of the film) the time shown on most of them was 4:20, 2 were stopped at a different time.
besides the fact we love him and his fabulous movies.
Whats in the case is unimportant. Im glad that Quentin decided against using the diamonds from Reservoir Dogs in this movie. Mainly because the whole begining diner scene would make no sense because Tim Roth is the first thing you see in this movie, and he is british. Would have just been an ugly cluster fuck in my opinion. I have heard the soul theory, and it makes sense, but what is the point of trying to figure out something that isn't meant to be figured out. It could just as easily been the aliens from repo mans trunk, or whatever was in there. To me, whatever you want it to be, thats what it is.
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