Mia Wallace's near fatal mistake

Earlier in the movie, Eric Stoltz's character asks "I'm all out of balloons, is a baggie okay?"
Now I am no drug expert but am I to infer that heroin is supposed to go into a balloon and cocaine into a baggie? And Mia Wallace thought that was cocaine and that's why she overdosed?
A friend of mine who knows a lot more about drugs than I do said that's not true, but what do you guys think?
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Pulp Sloth
That's interesting, but I always assumed that Mia snorted the cocaine because it was white and she just assumed. People jonesing for a coke fix will probably assume that any white powder is cocaine, although it can be tweek, ketamine, or in this case china white heroin. I am not a big druggy, but even I have taken one thing thinking it was another, so its gotta be a quite common phenomenon.
The problem is of course the active dose of heroin is much smaller than the active does of cocaine, so she took too much and overdosed. Also she had been drinking. Heroin and alcohol is not a good combination... just ask Jim Morrison who most likely died from doing heroin after a night drinking in Paris.
Q: How can you tell if a junkie is lying?
A: His lips are moving.
The amount (about "an 8-ball" in coke terms) that Vincent bought is more inline with a cocaine stash, rather than with heroin.
You might have noticed that Vincent rolls his eyes when Lance tells him that he has to get into his personal...that could be a reaction to what a small time dealer Lance is (the type who would use balloons), or Vega thinking he's heard that line 1000 times before.
Like so many of the things that make this movie great, it's up for you to fill in the blanks.
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