Mr Wolf's First Scene

What is going on in the background when Mr. Wolf first appears on screen?
He is talking on the phone to Mr. Wallace. It's pretty early in the morning, he is well dressed, apparently in a hotel room. There are lots of other people there, all well dressed, even children. Does anyone know what is going on in the background in this scene?
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So let's get started shall we?
Okay, to get a better viewpoint of what's going on, i just watched this scene. There isn't much information in front of us, but there are several things that are obvious.
Firstly, Mr.Wolf is in a bedroom on a phone (now before you start saying "duh" let's take into account what are the possible reasons as to why he is there).
The fact that there are beds in the room suggests that he may have spent the night there, but we can't just assume that. We have to back it up, in order to do this, i'll do a little math.
In the next scene,
Mr.Wolf says: "Your wife bonnie comes home in 9:30 in the a.m. is that correct?"
To which jimmy replies: "uh huh"
Mr Wolf then says: "I was led to believe that if she comes home and finds us here, she wouldn't appreciate it none too much?"
And Jimmy then replies: "Who would at that?"
To which Mr.Wolf says: "Right, that gives us...40 minutes to get the fuck out of dodge...etc"
Okay, now we can confirm that it was 8:50am in that scene, We are informed when Mr.wolf arrived that it took him 10 minutes (9 minutes and 37 seconds to be exact) to get there.
Which means that he received the phone call at 8:40am.
From this we can assume that he spent the night there (I mean honestly who gets up to go to anything at 8:40 in the morning?!). Now i could be wrong here, but there are also other reasons.
Secondly, Marcellus Wallace knew/found out that he was there.
So nobody would have probably known where he was if he just left his house before 8:40 in the morning (i am aware that this may not be the case), but to furthermore prove my point, Marcellus Wallace knew the phone number to the particular room there!
This is a crucial clue here, The fact Marcellus Wallace knew the phone number to a particular room there clearly suggests that he knew that the wolf was staying there overnight.
Now again, there may be other reasons, but if Marcellus knew where he was (but not the room) he would have just called the hotel or whatever it is.
So unless there are a lot of coincidences, it seems pretty obvious that Mr.Wolf Spent the Night here.
And What does this prove?
Well, nothing really. But again, it provides us with a clue, if Mr.Wolf spent the Night there, the event must have been somewhat important.
Now, let's observe the background, this part is rather interesting.
what catches most peoples attention would be the woman in the purple dress who seems to follow the camera until she walks out of frame.
I must beg to differ with what the original poster above said: "There are lots of other people there, all well dressed, even children."
I completely agree with everything, accept the children part. Although, until i observed it now, i thought there was children too. But if you observe closely, the woman in purple is talking to someone small at the start of the scene, as she stands up and walks away, we can see that the person was sitting on a chair, and forgive me if iI'm wrong, but seems to be an elderly lady. Who seems to be sitting and chatting with other elderly people who are all dressed rather formally.
When the lady in purlpe walks away, we can see a man and woman sitting on a couch drinking cocktails.
And in the background, we can hear a piano and a man at a microphone(that could be wrong).
Anyway, this occasion seems to be formal. Now, what occurs at 8:40am that is formal??
Before you answer that, I'll present you with the biggest clue of all!
Moments ago as i was typing the sentence referring to how formal the occasion seems to be, i played the scene one last time.
BUT! This time i noticed something different! Something totally obvious!
When Mr.Wolf says: "Gimme the principals names."
In the background you can just make out the man at the microphone saying: "Place your bets..."
I thought i was just hearing things, but i played it over and over. It's pretty clear.
But then i noticed, the man at the microphone says "Place your bets" another time!
After Mr.Wolf writes down: VINCENT (WHITE)
And just before he writes: ONE BODY NO HEAD
The camera pans behind his head, when he says: ...Bonnie...
Just before he says "Bonnie" If you listen real closely, the man in the background says, "Place your bets"
To conclude, i believe that Mr.Wolf is at an auction in a hotel, early in the moring, auctions are always on very early, it would explain why everyone is so formal. And why the man in the background says: "Place your bets" twice.
If you want to take it a step further it might be a fundraiser or something since it's a bit too formal for just an auction and why Mr.Wolf Stayed overnight since perhaps he was organising it.
However, it mustn't have been too important, since after he left Monster Joe's, he took Racquel out to dinner. Which could mean it either wasn't very important or Perhaps it was over.
Anyway, I hope this Helped!! I'm not trying to state whether I'm right or Wrong, I'm just trying to state that after observing this scene and using some common sense, this is the conclusion i came to. And i hope that my observation has helped you in some way. But i'd also like to thank you in a small way, as i have now a more concrete knowledge as of Winston Wolf's Whereabouts and a theory (as well as possible evidence) of what was going on.
Well, that's all from me! Cya!
P.S: I hope i Win the Jack Rabbit Slims T-Shirt! ^_^
Anyway, this occasion seems to be formal. Now, what occurs at 8:40am that is formal??
Before you answer that, i'll present you with the biggest clue of all!
Moments ago as i was typing the sentance refering to how formal the occasion seems to be, i played the scene one last time.
BUT! This time i noticed something different! Something totally obvious!
When Mr.Wolf says: Gimme the principals names."
In the background you can just make out the man at the microphone saying: "Place your bets..."
I thought i was just hearing things, but i played it over and over. It's pretty clear.
But then i noticed, the man at the micophone says "Place your bets" another time!
After Mr.Wolf writes down: VINCENT (WHITE)
And just before he writes: ONE BODY NO HEAD
The camera pans behind his head, when he says: ...Bonnie...
Just before he says "Bonnie" If you listen real closely, the man in the background says, "Place your bets"
To conclude, i believe that Mr.Wolf is at an auction in a hotel, early in the moring, auctions are always on very early, it would explain why everyone is so formal. And why the man in the background says: "Place your bets" twice.
If you want to take it a step further it might be a fundraiser or something since it's a bit too formal for just an auction and why Mr.Wolf Stayed overnight since perhaps he was organising it.
However, it mustn't have been too important, since after he left Monster Joe's, he took Racquel out to dinner. Which could mean it either wasn't very important or Perhaps it was over.
Anyway, I hope this Helped!! I'm not trying to state whether I'm right or Wrong, i'm just trying to state that after observing this scene and using some common sense, this is the conlusion i came to. And i hope that my observation has helped you in some way. But i'd also like to thank you in a small way, as i have now a more concrete knowledge as of Winston Wolf's Whereabouts and a theory (as well as possible evidence) of what was going on.
Well, that's all from me! Cya!
P.S: I hope i Win the Jack Rabbit Slims T-Shirt! ^_^
To Explain, You claim that Raquel said to The Wolf that SHE asked HIM to breakfast and he Replies: "I havent slept all night don't you know the concept of sleep!"
What the Hell? Where did you dig that out of?!
Allow me to recap.
Wolf: "Boys this is Raquel, someday all this will be hers."
Raquel: "Hi. So what's with the outfits? You guys going to a volleyball game or something?"
Wolf: "(Laughs) I'm taking my lady out to breakfast, maybe i can drop you two off, where do you live?"
Vincent: "Redondo."
Jules: "Inglewood."
Wolf: "It's your future. I see a... a cab ride. Move out of the sticks fellas'. Say good night Raquel"
Raquel: "Good Night Raquel."
Wolf: "I'll see you guys around, stay out of trouble you crazy kids."
Jules: "Mr. Wolf, I just wanna say it was a real pleasure watching you work."
Vincent: "Yeah Really and thank you Mr.Wolf."
Wolf: "Call me Winston. You see that young lady? Respect. Respect for ones elders shows Character."
Raquel: "I Have Character!"
Wolf: "Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have it."
End Scene.
"I havent slept all night don't you know the concept of sleep!" never appears.
Also, i have my doubts about the blackjack dealer. There's a man in white and man in Black, both moving around at a table at the end of the screen. So it is possible, but hard to tell.
The CAMERA looks through the bedroom doorway of a hotel suite
into the main area. We SEE a crap game being played on a
fancy crap table by GAMBLERS in tuxedos and LUCKY LADIES in
fancy evening gowns. The CAMERA PANS to the right revealing:
Sitting on a bed, phone in hand with his back to us, the
tuxedo-clad WINSTON WOLF aka "THE WOLF". We also see The
Wolf has a small notepad that he jots details in.
So this goes to show that i was already right from the start "MAN I GOOD!" so he's at a hotel and it is a casino type deal
Also they are in california....there are no places to gamble like that with mini or big there are many private games that are delt....which I also used to do. I am not guessing on this at all. I know it for a fact.
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