Is Vincent Vega Jesus?

Vincent Vega represents Jesus. It's so obvious, once you look at it this way, everything lines up, but amazingly I haven't found anything making this connection in the movie's 20 years of existence.
Vincent Vega represents Jesus. It's so obvious, once you look at it this way, everything lines up, but amazingly I haven't found anything making this connection in the movie's 20 years of existence.
Vincent Vega represents Jesus in his death and resurrection in the film. We know that literally speaking, Vincent dies in the middle of the movie at Butch's house, and doesn't come back to life. However, in the non linear context of the film, Vincent dies and then is alive again.
Dialogue supports this theory. One of the most obvious examples is while he and Jules are cleaning out the boy's blood from their car at Jimmie's house. Jules is mad at Vincent as says he will never forgive him for the incident. Jules says "Jules, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits that he's wrong that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings? Have you ever heard that?" Obviously, these are Christian values he is referencing.
In the first scene with Jules and Vincent, they talk about foot massages. Vincent argues their importance, while Jules argues that they aren't significant, or at least not as much as oral sex. This is a reference to Jesus washing his disciples feet.
It is already an existing theory that Marsellus Wallace's character represents God, and the suitcase contains his soul. This theory coincides with mine. When Vincent and Jules go into the bar, Marsellus calls for vincent, and embraces him.
Jules often represents Old testament views. The fake Bible verse he uses is from the Old Testament. In the diner, he says that he doesn't eat pork because pigs are filthy animals. This is an old testament rule. He says he wants to wander the earth like "Caine from Kung Fu," But of course he's also referring to Cain from Genesis who walked the earth. When he is arguing with Vincent about foot massages, he refers to the genitals as "the Holiest of Holies." This is the innermost part of the Hebrew temple. This theme continues inside of the apartment. Vincent goes into the kitchen, which represents the inner part of the temple. He goes to the cupboard to retrieve the case, but he has to get it from "the one by your knees." So he kneels for the case, and opens it and looks inside. Vincent, the divine one, sees the light inside of Marsellus's case, But Jules does not look. When they enter, Jules motions for the boy lying on the couch to lift his feet. Later Jules sacrifices him, as if on an altar.
While in the apartment, Jules gives a loud speech about Marsellus before he kills the guy in the chair. If we suppose that Marsellus represents God, then Jules is speaking in the style of the Old Testament prophets about God's disappointment towards his people, and His subsequent wrath. Jules says "Does he look like a bitch? Then why did you try to fuck him like a bitch?" and "Marsellus Wallace doesn't like to fucked by anyone but Mrs. Wallace." (and we know that Marsellus does indeed get fucked later on in the movie.)
So what about Mia? We know that she is Marsellus's wife, and we also know that she also, in a sense, dies and comes back to life. Mia is the sacrificial lamb, and in some ways also represents Jesus. When Vincent comes to pick her up, she says in the microphone upstairs "I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail." She directs him to make a drink at the bar, which is by the fireplace- more altar imagery. At the diner, they dance ceremoniously, with no shoes on. When they get home, vincent questions himself in the bathroom. Has Marsellus trusted him with his wife to test his loyalty? As we know, he resolves to take the high road and leave, when he comes and finds her on the floor in shock. He takes her to be revived, and has to stab her with the needle. This is in reference to the story of Abraham and Isaac, with Mia being the sacrifice that is given back. However, it also is representative of Jesus's death and resurrection. Can she and Vincent represent the same thing? I think they do, because during the date, they are dressed notably alike. after Mia is revived, she changes into a black shirt.
Now to look at Butch's story. When we first meet butch, he's meant to throw a fight, but doesn't, killing the other fighter, and he says that he doesn't feel bad about it. This is only the beginning of his self justified violence. He goes home and gives his girlfriend, Fabienne oral sex. (there's that Holiest of Holies thing again.) When he notices that his watch is missing, he freaks out, and says "You could've burned all this other stuff, but I specifically reminded you-" or something like that. This line is like what Paul says in Phillipians chapter 3 "I count all things as loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus." Also like Paul, Butch opposed the Jesus figure, (kills him) but then later joins with the God character, Marsellus.
Butch is notably American. In the cab, The driver asks what his name means, but he says "We're American, our names don't mean anything." His father is a dead soldier, and he receives his birthright from another officer. Fabienne has just mentioned putting cheese on her pie, an American tradition, when he realizes his watch is gone. In the moment that he debates going back down to the basement to save Marsellus, he's framed against the confederate flag. The allegory is played out as the justified American Character goes back to save the African character from the southern characters exploiting him. But not only were they fucking Africa, they were fucking God. With the help of the American, God shoots the balls off of the "evil men" because, as Jules noted, "Marsellus Wallace doesn't like to be fucked by anyone but Mrs. Wallace." God's fury is enacted as Marsellus prepares to "go medieval" on the remaining deviant.
Rooms in pulp fiction are symbolic. The apartment represents the temple, as Vincent goes to "The Holiest of Holies" in the kitchen, as Jules mentioned. Jules shoots the boy on the couch after making him raise his feet, representing an altar. In Mia's house, she comes from the room above, representing heaven. In the pawn shop, they descend downstairs into rooms, representing hell. Several times Vincent mentions going to piss. He debates his relationship with Mia in the bathroom at her house, He takes a shit when the diner is robbed, and he is finally killed in the bathroom at butch's house.
So we finally get to the end of the movie. Vincent goes to take a shit (probably because of the steak he ate with Mia) and Jules waits while the store is robbed. The guy robber who Jules calls "Ringo" comes to hold up Jules, and he tries to take the case. Jules opens the case for him to see, but does not look himself. The robber is the only one to see inside the case other than Vincent. Jules gets the upper hand on "Ringo" and makes him sit down. He talks about the supernatural experience he was a part of, and then finally he talks about how his life relates to the Bible verse he always quotes. "See, now I'm thinking, maybe it means you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. 9 millimeter here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that.
But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is, you're the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd." This is a legend for how the whole movie can be interpreted. Here, Jules tries to take the Bible and fit his personal experiences with characters and verses. Just as Jules does with his life, we can apply certain Bible characters and traits with those in the movie. Finally Jules lets the robber go, having seen the light in the case, and received forgiveness.
Like I've said, I haven't seen this theory anywhere on the internet, and I've looked. Vincent even looks like Jesus with his long hair. Tell me what you think, if anyone ever reads this.
Vincent is Jesus Christ. It's stupid obvious, but i haven't seen it anywhere.
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Pulp Sloth
My guess would be that Mr. Tarantino believes in God but not so much in Christianity or other organized religions.
I think he exploits biblical imagery because many of us (myself included) have been brought up with that tradition. It adds relevance, depth, and meaning to the characters lives.
So... Tarantino in my opinion is not so much trying to teach us anything religious in Pulp Fiction or make connections between the bible and characters. He is just using existing biblical memes to entertain, frighten, and maybe inspire us to also set aside traditional stereotypical (linear) storytelling.
Thanks for the essay!
vince vega (irl)
Dick Whitman
Thank you Vincent, for throwing your word in. Any news on a story about you and Vick?
Pulp Sloth
If Marcellus is God then Butch is the prodigal son.
When you’re mentioning rooms, what does bathroom represent? You did not finish this theory. It’s okay that Vincent is the only person in the movie who has biological needs, so we can say he’s the son of the man.
If Marcellus is God and his soul is in the case then looking inside it is christening. Since you said Jules is an old testament figure, he’s not meant to be christened. The robber was a sinner and the christening cleaned him. That’s why he’d been let go.
I like your theory of Vincent's being Jesus (y)
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